Saturday, September 03, 2005

The First Of 5 Hurdles

Previous Total: $994.73

Current Total: $1064.69


Half Ownership - 7 sake bottles, 34 sake cups

Full Ownership - 5 mini trays - 6 hunting badges

Time Spent Since Last Post: 0 hours 23 minutes

Time Spent Total: 1 day 5 hour 17 minutes

I hit the $1000 mark! Only $4000 more to go. The flag from the trunk sold right in line of what I thought it would sell for at just over $50 and the hunting badge came in at just over $20. They totaled $76.22 with $6.26 in ebay and paypal fees for a profit of $69.96.

I will be heading to a flea market tomorrow and see if I can find some more items to keep the challenge on track.


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